Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm turning into Big Foot

There's only a couple of more weeks to go until the 64 k Burning Boot Ultra-marathon. I've been sticking to my training plan for the past 18 weeks, and for the most part it has paid off. This past month I completed two runs, each a little over four hours long, running up and down Forbidden Plateau. I've been experimenting with various power gels and drinks to find out what my stomach handles best and think I have found a good balance.
With the increased mileage my feet have expanded. I'm turning into a Big Foot. This is common among ultramarathoners. I've purchased a pair of runners 1/2 - 1 size larger than I normally wear to deal with it.
We shot a Red Bull spot up on Forbidden Plateau Monday evening. Red Bull Launch Pad is holding a dream video competition so we submitted this 30 second entry. Vote for it and maybe they'll make it come true. I want to be sponsored by Red Bull as an ultramarathoner so we can raise money and awareness about the need for more water wells in Tanzania. In some of the remote villages there, young ladies have to walk for 3-6 hours to get water for their households. Most of it is used for cooking so personal hygiene is neglected, causing sickness and disease to spread. Tanzania has one of the highest infant mortality rates partly due to this.
After shooting the video, driving down from Forbidden Plateau I stopped to video this black bear: World Vision has a site set up online for those who would like to sponsor me in the upcoming Burning Boot Ultra. Here's the link if you wish to do so:World Vision Fund Raiser.
Thanks for your support

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