Monday, January 19, 2009

Davos, Switzerland debates

When I heard about the Davos debate competition taking place on YouTube this week I was moved to put in my two cents by responding to their question of a possible economic recovery in 2009. In many ways it relates to the topic covered in my book "A Silent Violence" - the extreme poor. I believe they need a bail out just as much as the car industry and the banks of North America. They have been living in crisis mode for decades, and they've been dying of disease, starvation, AIDS and malaria. There is so much untapped potential in the developing world - future doctors, inventors, teachers, and artists are there, but they require investment, they need schools, and proper health care for them to be able to reach their potential.

The better videos submitted to YouTube will be shown to those attending the World Economic Forum - C.E.O.'s world leaders and non-profit executives. Who knows, maybe my little video will catch their attention.

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